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Ashford Cares: The Art of Giving

With most of us leading super busy lives and the recent pandemic, the idea of volunteering—giving your time and energy to a cause without financial reward—may seem like an impossible task. How are we supposed to fit anything else into our already overflowing schedules?Even if you are just at your Texas apartment, you can find ways to volunteer. However, volunteering doesn’t have to take up a lot of time and is significant for a variety of reasons. Indeed, volunteering has several advantages for both the volunteer and the community, person, or organization that receives their help.

We are taking our blog in a different direction this week, and we are using the chance to talk about the art of giving. Giving without expecting anything in return is the purest definition of the art of giving.

In the past, Ashford Communities has taken time to volunteer and give back to the neighborhood. Helping those in need is a great way to connect with your community, according to Ashford Communities. Everybody has something to offer. Each of us has something valuable to offer someone else. There are only so many things you can give away with the majority of stuff in this world. Everyone who participates benefits from volunteering, which is a fulfilling activity with many advantages. Knowing the benefits of volunteering and why you should participate yourself will help you determine whether this is a road you want to take further. Check out our blog about volunteering and giving back to the community here

We have the chance to volunteer and give back this year at Bread of Life and the Houston Food Bank. Time is regarded as the best present you can ever give someone because it cannot be replaced by money. The goal of the Houston Food Bank is to make food accessible to everybody. They provide food for elders, kids, and anyone who might struggle with hunger and food insecurity. We make sure to regularly lend a hand at the Houston Food Bank by sorting, processing, packing, and distributing food to those in need. Also, it’s enjoyable! We also enjoyed preparing boxes of supplies for those in need as volunteers at the Bread of Life warehouse. We prepared 60 boxes that contained over 15 items in each box in under 50 minutes! It was an unforgettable experience of a lifetime.

True giving and happiness have a close relationship, and both originate from a place in our souls. No matter how big or tiny, a present is something that is appreciated twice. The enjoyment of the gift is shared by both the giver and the recipient. This holiday season is the perfect time to give back and volunteer. If you have time, consider volunteering in the community. Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on our property. 

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