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Ashford Cares: Importance of Company Culture

The foundation to establishing the qualities required for business success is a great company culture. Your bottom line will also be affected by it, as organizations with strong cultures are more likely to see an increase in sales. Strong and clearly defined corporate cultures have several advantages for both employers and employees, including: 

  • Happy employees. People are more likely to feel at ease, aligned and happier at work if they strongly identify with their company’s culture and core values.
  • A sense of connection. Although a company’s culture does not control the hiring process, it will inevitably draw in more workers who hold the same values, giving the staff a sense of community.
  • Favorable interactions between staff and supervisors. With management and employees moving in the same direction, there is less conflict and productivity is increased.
  • Retention of personnel. Strong senses of belonging among employees encourage them to stay with a company longer, which lowers the expense of recruiting and onboarding new employees.
  • Customer loyalty over time. Customers are more likely to trust a company when its proclaimed philosophy is supported by admirable deeds and ethical business practices.
  • Productivity. Employees are more productive and enthusiastic about their work when they share the same goals and values as the organization they work for.
  • Increased likelihood of luring skilled workers. Your company’s core beliefs have a greater likelihood of being shared by qualified candidates the more explicit they are.

Building company culture

A company or an organization may begin developing specific policies and practices that are in line with your goal culture once you’ve established where your company culture is now and where you want it to go and our company, Ashford Communities, an establishment that offers apartment in Houston Texas is committed to our residents and ourselves is to be the best multi-family company in our market. We are on a mission to help our communities flourish and give employees a workplace where they can grow with us and create a place to belong. Our core values of Teamwork, Care, Attitude, Excellence and Honesty serve as our compass and guide to achieve our mission. Here is the reasoning behind our purpose:

Teamwork. We decide and execute together. Teamwork is crucial because it creates a fun working environment.

Strong employee relationships are created through teamwork since the more closely coworkers are together, the more they get to know one another and grow to like one another. As they collaborate more, they grow more accustomed to each other’s preferences, dislikes, strengths, and shortcomings. A team that has been working together for a while will inevitably grow more collaborative, which will improve everyone’s experience at work. A positive work atmosphere increases productivity, which enables firms to accomplish their objectives more quickly.

Working as a team has the additional benefit of increasing work efficiency. When a team is efficient and understand each other it makes work easier and customers happy which is very important when running a business, customer satisfaction.

Excellence. We stretch ourselves: Flexible work fosters a sense of community among your employees and your company. People devote time elsewhere, such as volunteer work, when they save time in one area.

Allowing our employees to volunteer helps us create a successful organizational brand and corporate culture. We reward excellent deeds will be rewarded and each year Ashford Communities always make sure to lend a helping hand with giving back to our community. Check out our blog about volunteering and the art of giving here at

Attitude. We have passion for what we do. We believe that attitude is everything, it determines how far you can go. The saying “attitude is everything” is one that most of us have heard, and while it may sound a little cliche, it’s actually very accurate. Negatively disposed workers are less likely to succeed at work and bring down their employers’ enterprises with them. Even your life expectancy can be lowered by a persistent negative mood.

Positive attitude benefits to both the employee and the business. Greater enjoyment, fulfillment, and productivity are the results and it will reflect on how your employees will treat customers. Customers’ behavior is influenced, changing from apathy to loyalty when helpfulness, genuine attention, and respect are shown. By providing top-notch customer service, you are giving your company’s brand values, enhancing your standing in the industry, and demonstrating to others that you care about the people who use your goods or services.

Finally, it is much more enjoyable to leave work feeling upbeat, less frustrated, and proud of the contribution you contributed to the company’s bottom line. 

Care. Help and respect other people. Taking care of employees at work enhances employee satisfaction, brand reputation, talent retention, organizational progress, and worker productivity. Why? It’s straightforward: workers are people, and people have feelings. We give more, are more committed, and care more when we feel loved. One of your company’s most valuable assets is its employees, and they have the power to succeed or fail. By demonstrating your appreciation for your staff, you can encourage them to work harder for your company. Customers today demand a friendly, attentive experience. Businesses should make an effort to provide such an experience through all of their representatives, not just a select few.

Honesty. We do the right thing. Honesty adds value to your business. Since it establishes the tone for the type of workplace culture you want to develop, ensures consistency in workplace behavior, and promotes customer and prospect loyalty, honesty is a crucial aspect of every successful organization. Workplace culture is all about the values and principles that guide every action your business does, from how its goods are created to how it markets them and interacts with customers. Having the awareness that acting fairly does not make you weaker. It is a misconception that those who follow the rules are handicapped because they are unable to pay their way in or use a back door to get over barriers. On the other hand, you can take advantage of a firm that is run honestly. 

Being honest and truthful helps create trust and build stronger relationships between companies and customers. When a customer feels that your company is honest and trustworthy they will likely retain and help you achieve your goals. 

Want to join our growing community? Learn more about our company culture here at and visit our website for career opportunities on our team.

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