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Random Acts of Kindness Day

According to research, giving to others can be beneficial to our mental health. It lessens stress, enhances emotional health, and even improves our physical health. In other words, doing good benefits you.

In and around our communities, we must watch out for one another. This is how we safeguard and preserve everyone’s mental health. Although it’s a good idea to practice kindness every day, February 17 is National Random Acts of Kindness Day.

Positive Effects of Showing Kindness

Any act of kindness you begin, no matter how small, has a way of spreading from one person to the next. The positive effects of showing kindness may be seen in all aspects of life, whether it’s through a smile, a wave, or going above and beyond by helping someone in need. Being kind is healthy for the heart, mind, and body.

It has been demonstrated that kindness raises self-worth, fosters empathy and compassion, and elevates mood. According to science, acts of kindness increase endorphin levels. Increasing endorphin levels also means lowering potentially harmful factors. Here are some benefits of it:

  • Blood pressure is lowered because acts of kindness cause emotional warmth and the production of the hormone oxytocin. This enhances general heart health and lowers blood pressure.
  • Kindness releases endorphins, the brain’s natural painkillers, which lessens discomfort.
  • It reduces isolation by promoting human contact among others.
  • Kindness reduces anxiety — doing nice deeds might make us feel better because they encourage the release of serotonin. Your wounds will heal, you’ll feel calmer, and you’ll be joyful thanks to this feel-good chemical!
  • It lessens stress — those who are kind have 23% lower cortisol levels (known as the stress hormone).

How Contagious is Being Kind?

Being kind at work has a contagious impact not only on our community but also on our workplace. Kindness influences the general mood of optimism, improves your mood, and, as previously noted, it spreads easily. Positive emotions are contagious and perpetuate themselves. Kindness fosters trust in the workplace, which enhances organizations by fostering the development of teams.

Ashford Communities’ Acts of Kindness

Teamwork, Excellence, Attitude, Care, and Honesty are Ashford Communities’ core values. We always make sure that in everything we do, we incorporate our core values, especially in our workplace and community. Kindness plays a big role in our core values as it falls under Attitude. 

Kindness in the Workplace

Being kind can boost output and satisfaction. Respectful and courteous employees are more energetic, more satisfied with their jobs, and more dedicated to their company. People can spread kindness and happiness at work since they interact with others there for the majority of their waking hours. This is not merely a worthwhile idea without any financial benefit. Acts of kindness and goodness can transform a business. 

Ashford Spreads Kindness

Aside from our core values in our team, in the past, Ashford Communities has taken time to volunteer and give back to the neighborhood to spread kindness in our own ways. Helping those in need is a great way to connect with your community and show a random act of kindness.

On Random Acts of Kindness Day, we all have a day to thoroughly consider the value of kindness — not just to one another, but also to ourselves and our community. It also provides us time to propagate the idea that even a small act of kindness may have a big impact.

It’s important to take advantage of every opportunity to bring a smile to someone’s face, even with a small act of compassion. Not only does it make a difference for the recipient, but it can also improve our own mood. Everyone benefits from kindness, and witnessing the positive effects of our actions can brighten our entire day and inspire others to pay it forward. One small act of compassion can lead to a ripple effect of positivity.

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