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Ashford Communities Cancer Blog

How to Support a Friend who has Cancer

Nowadays, cancer patients no longer need to stay at the hospital and can receive their care as outpatients, which means they are free to return to their Texas apartment or home if they desire to. Anyone who suffers from cancer frequently requires assistance, support, and motivation throughout this period.

Studies say that people who have cancer or experience cancer tend to adjust to its effects more easily, have a better outlook on life, and frequently report a higher quality of life when they have significant emotional support. According to research, cancer patients require the support of their friends. You can make a significant difference in their life if you do them.

The things that you can do to assist your friend in feeling better are listed below. 

  • Be understanding and considerate at all times.
  • Start and end every visit with a warm hug, affection, handshake, or a simple pat on the back.
  • Do not show up randomly, make sure to always inform your friend if you are stopping by to check on them or just spend time with them. A simple call before arriving will be surely appreciated.
  • Recognize that while your friend might not want to communicate, they might also not enjoy being by themselves.
  • Always mention your next visit so your friend can look forward to it.
  • To not be a burden to the caregiver, do not go to their place empty-handed. Offer to bring a snack or treat that you can share with them. Keep in mind the foods that are not allowed for your friend and as much as possible bring only foods that will be beneficial to your friend.
  • Watch their preferred TV show, listen to their favorite music, or see a movie with your friend.
  • Always be mindful of your words and actions. Cancer patients are most likely to feel emotional.
  • Lend your ears, listen, and do not be afraid to talk with your friend. It is better to say “I don’t know what to say” than to stop calling or visiting out of fear.

No matter how powerful and strong they are, everyone can use a friend. Your friend who suffers from cancer needs your help, encouragement, and support. After receiving a cancer diagnosis, it is important to keep your regular activities with moderation, family, and friendship because these things will help you speed up the healing process. And do not forget that even if the after-cancer treatment is over, your friend or family who suffered cancer will still need your support and encouragement in his or her “new normal life”. Your friendship can benefit a person with cancer in the long run if you keep this useful advice in mind.

Ashford Communities is supporting breast cancer awareness month. We stand with the courageous women and men who have been diagnosed with breast cancer and honor those who have lost their battle to this terrible disease.

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