Gardening Tips and Tricks for Beginners

  1. Plan your Garden

Sitting down and planning your garden is a good place to start. This way, instead of getting carried away at the garden center and ending up with a jumble of plants that don’t look good together and may not suit your growing conditions, you can plan out what to grow where. Planning will also allow you to use color and structure wisely, resulting in a garden that looks great all year.

  1. Start small

Starting a garden is not easy but worth it, at first, it can be tempting to take it all on in one go and plant as much as you can. It’s much better to do a little bit at a time. Start small and always test what best grows in your garden and area.

Most plants require space, and if you don’t give them their own little patch of land, they might now grow as we want them to be. Be realistic with your garden plant ideas by measuring the size of your plot with a tape measure, a piece of paper, and a ruler.

  1. Choose the right plants 

When designing your garden, one of the most important factors to consider is the environment. It’s a good idea to do some research on what plants are best suited to your environment before heading to the nearest store to purchase some goods. Soil type and climate are important factors to consider when deciding which plants will thrive in your garden.

Plants grow in a variety of shapes and sizes. Before you choose your plants, especially if they are trees, you should find out how big they will grow when fully mature. You must be wary of them outgrowing the area in which you have planted them. Furthermore, roots can spread widely and potentially damage the foundations of your home.

  1. Beware of pest

Most garden pests are harmless to plants and can be left alone; there are plenty of natural predators to keep them in check. However, pest populations can become an infestation at times, and you must take action. Keeping an eye out for pests like aphids, slugs, and snails will keep your plants safe and save you a lot of heartaches and headaches.

  1. Feed plants regularly

Water is the main food of the plants. Knowing what time and how much water you should give your plants is important. Putting fertilizers and compost waste into your plants is also beneficial and will help your plants grow healthy and strong.

  1. Enjoy the fruits of your hard works

Gardening is laborious and sometimes can be a hard and long process but it’s worth it and can save you a lot of money especially if you plant vegetables and fruit. Don’t forget to enjoy your garden. Make sure you take time to sit back, eat and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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